Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I think we made it through!

Her first sickness that is...

March has been a tough month for the Givens family.  Maddie got her 4 month shots on the 7th, and they threw us for a loop!  She really did well with 2 month, but for some reason the 4 month round really bothered her.  She was up crying most of the night for two nights and was fussy for about three days.  Poor thing - it broke my heart to see her like that.  As soon as she got over the fussiness from the shots she came down with her first sinus infection.  Yes, she got mine and Scott's sinuses!  She got so congested that she was waking herself up at night because she couldn't breath.  We put a wedge under her mattress to try to help her drain, but for several nights she was up every couple of hours.  Scott's basketball banquet was the 11th.  She started to get fussy half way through so I took her in to the hall.  All of the sudden she started gasping for air.  I scared me so badly.  Scott was at the microphone announcing awards, and I interrupted the entire banquet to tell him that she was not breathing well.  I left and took her to the emergency room.  They tested her for the flu and RSV - thank goodness she did not have either.  They told us that it was just a bad sinus infection.  She is still coughing and has fluid, but she seems to feel much better. 

We found out yesterday that we are going to have to put my cat, Boo, to sleep on Friday.  Maddie could not understand why I was hysterically crying, and she actually found it quite funny.  I am devastated.  Boo has been with me since she was born - I was 14.  She has lived a good and very spoiled life, and I think it is time to say goodbye.  My hopes are that after Friday the months will get a little happier!  Maddie should be crawling soon and every day with her is a blessing from God!  I cannot wait to watch her grow - I just wish that I could watch her and Boo grow together.  I guess it is time for a dog - wink wink!