Sunday, February 20, 2011

Maddie's First Meal

It seems like, for the last month, Maddie has been hungry all of the time.  On the way home from Georgia last weekend I called her doctor and asked if I could start giving her rice cereal in addition to her bottles.  Since she is four months today (where has time gone) he gave me the go ahead.  We had lunch with Scott's parents, and I decided on the way home that we would give Maddie her first meal tonight.  At about 5:40 I prepared the little bowl of what looked like slop!  I put Scott in charge of the camera and got Maddie situated in her Bumbo.  We got out the much needed bib and the little bitty spoon and the fun began. 

This is before the first bite - clean and cute!

For the first several spoons she could not figure out what I was trying to do.  She looked at me crazy and spit all of the rice back out.  I then gave her some on my finger and she seemed to like it! 

I decided that the best way to get any to stay in her mouth was to give her a spoon and then follow it with a few gulps from her bottle - it seemed to wash the rice down before it could be spit out.

In the end, I think she got some of it down - plus about 4 oz of formula.  Maybe this will fill her up for a little longer!  When Scott came with the rag to clean her up she gave him a huge smile and a pretty big burp - satisfied little girl :-)

Friday, February 18, 2011

It Won't Be Like This For Long

This morning as I was rushing Maddie through her morning bottle I flipped on CMT.  The song "It Wont Be Like This For Long" was playing.  I listened to the words and prayed for the world to slow down just a bit.  I started to think about rushing Maddie.  I have gotten into the habit of rushing her though her feedings, her rockings, and her life!  I looked at her sweet face and almost cried.  I love the stage she is at - even if it means fussiness and tough bedtime routines.  I cannot believe that she will be 4 months old this weekend.  Where has time gone?  I want to slow down.  I want to enjoy every second with her and quit rushing the sweet times.  At night I just want her to go to sleep - I do not enjoy that she wants me to hold her for thirty minutes before she sleeps - WHY DON'T I APPRECIATE THAT?!  I now realize that she will not want that forever.  I need to appreciate that she is not rolling her eyes at me at any sign of affection - or turning her back when I try to talk to her.  She smiles at the sound of my voice and loves being in my arms.  From now on I am going to treasure those moments.  I cannot believe how quickly my baby is growing - these moments are passing ones.