Monday, September 19, 2011

Maddie on the Move

So much has been going on in the last few months, and I have been terrible about keeping Maddie’s blog.  I would like to take a few minutes to update everyone on our sweet baby!  The last week in August Maddie started crawling.  Her grandmother, Gene Gene, and her cousin Eli were here to help!  Since she started she has not stopped.  Everyone told me that it was going to be tough when she started moving around, but I love it!  Her being able to get to what she wants has really been nice.  If she wants a toy, she goes to get it – which has been wonderful. 

 Soon after she started crawling she began pulling up.  She loves to pull up on the coffee table and play with anything she can get her hands on.  In fact, I did not realize that she was pulling up and walked in the room to her eating straight pins!!  Mom kept telling me to baby proof – I guess mama knows best J

 I am not ready at all for walking, but I know it is not far off. 
Maddie LOVES the water.  From the time she was little, she would get in the bath with me.  Well, she is getting to be a big girl - and mama was getting quite tired of that - so we filled the bath tub up with toys and plopped Maddie down in the middle.  It was like Disney to her!! 

The funny thing is that her legs never stop moving.  She has twirled her ankles since she was born, but you put her in the water and she really goes!! 

She also had her 9 month check up in August.  She had been sick the week prior to her visit, so I think the weight was a little off, but I got some cute pictures!

She was only the 52% in weight, but she is a GOOD eater.  Her favorite is butternut squash and carrots, but she loves ham, turkey, chicken, green beans, fruit... really anything you put in front of her!
Scott gave her an Oreo when he got home from work the other day - so cute.
Since summer was coming to an end I gave her a Popsicle and she ate every little bit of it and then started licking her tray. 
She is such a joy.  Every day brings something new and fun.  I love to watch her discover the world around her.  I cannot believe it has almost been one year since Scott and I were blessed with our precious baby girl.  I'll leave you with a picture i snapped in the middle of the night.  I took the chance of cutting the light in her bedroom on, but I could not miss this picture!